40 Specticle Flo Herbicide Label

Trade name SPECTICLE® FLO Product code (UVP) 80193424, 85850822 SDS Number 102000025126 EPA Registration No. 432-1518 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use Herbicide Restrictions on use See product label for restrictions. Information on supplier Supplier Bayer Environmental Science 2 T.W. Alexander Drive Specticle FLO Herbicide Gives You the Control to Keep Your Lawn in Top Shape. Having a pristine and well-maintained lawn can be easier than ever when you incorporate Specticle FLO Herbicide into your routine. This innovative pre-emergent solution allows less application and greater weed control for extended periods.

SPECTICLE FLOis a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLOmay damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLOin strict ac-cordance to the label.

Specticle flo herbicide label

Specticle flo herbicide label

The SC formulation should be used as a directed spray avoiding contact with crop foliage. Sold as Specicle for landscape and turfgrass uses. Recommended rates of application differ between use sites. Check the label for details. Amount of Active Ingredient. Amount of Formulation Herbicide. 0.622 SC. 0.0224 GR. HERBICIDE INDAZIFLAM 74SC (ABN: SPECTICLE FLO; SPECTICLE O; MARENGO) Pre-emergent Herbicide for the Control of Annual Grasses, Annual Sedges, and Broadleaf Weeds in Turfgrass, Landscape and Production Ornamentals, Hedgerows, Conifers, Christmas Trees, Greenhouse Floors, Ornamental Production Sites, and Hardscapes SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many labeled landscape ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLO in strict accordance to the label.

Specticle flo herbicide label. Trade name Specticle® Herbicide Product code (UVP) 79930208 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use Herbicide 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd. ABN 87 000 226 022 Level 1, 8 Redfern Road 3123 Hawthorn East Victoria Australia 3 4.375” 4” PRODUCT INFORMATION SPECTICLE FLO ® HERBICIDE is a selective, preemergence alkylazine herbicide. SPECTICLE FLO HERBICIDE provides extended residual control of many annual grasses including crabgrass, goosegrass, and annual bluegrass, as well as annual sedges, and many broadleaf weeds. The SC formulation should be used as a directed spray avoiding contact with crop foliage. Sold as Specicle for landscape and turfgrass uses. Recommended rates of application differ between use sites. Check the label for details. Amount of Active Ingredient. Amount of Formulation Herbicide. 0.622 SC. 0.0224 GR. If it is a pre and post emergent product will be great, no matter the price. A. Specticle G Herbicide, Specticle FLO, and Specticle 20 WSP are all different versions of the same active ingredient, Indaziflam, and would be comparable. G is for granules, FLO is a liquid and WSP is water soluble packets. The WSP form is no longer available.

HERBICIDE INDAZIFLAM 74SC (ABN: SPECTICLE FLO; SPECTICLE O; MARENGO) Pre-emergent Herbicide for the Control of Annual Grasses, Annual Sedges, and Broadleaf Weeds in Turfgrass, Landscape and Production Ornamentals, Hedgerows, Conifers, Christmas Trees, Greenhouse Floors, Ornamental Production Sites, and Hardscapes Specticle Total is a solution that delivers fast knockdown plus total control of weeds for up to six months. Use it as a tool for managing weeds in landscape, hardscape and non-crop areas. Fast knockdown of existing weeds and grasses with results visible in hours. Long residual control, which means lower costs associated with fewer applications. Specticle FLO with indaziflam, is a pre-emergent, selective and broad-spectrum herbicide that provides residual control of troublesome weeds such as crabgrass, annual sedge, poa annua and goosegrass. It also controls annual sedges and broadleaf weeds in turf, ornamentals (residential), hedgerows, hardscapes, Christmas trees, and conifers. is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage.

Trade name SPECTICLE™ FLO Product code (UVP) 80193424 SDS Number 102000025126 EPA Registration No. 432-1518 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use Herbicide Restrictions on use See product label for restrictions. Information on manufacturer Bayer Environmental Science 2 T.W. Alexander Drive May be used on home lawns, golf courses (not putting greens) and is safe for most turfgrasses (except zoysiagrass and fine fescue) but must be applied by a licensed applicator. See label for cultivar tolerances of turf species. F. INDAZIFLAM (Specticle 20WSP or Specticle Flo) Label rates: 12: Until dry: WSSA MODE-OF-ACTION GROUP NUMBER 1: 29 Specticle flo herbicide label. Effective herbicide control when you need it most. Longer residual control means fewer applications and reduced fuel and labor costs. Specticle flo is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO HERBICIDE is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many labeled AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170.

Description. Spectile Flo offers warm season turf managers an innovative tool for controlling all major weeds. That’s because Spectacle Flo is proven to provide superior pre-emergent control of the most troublesome weeds. It offers residual control for up to eight months and less Active Ingredients than competitive products.

SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many labeled landscape ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLO in strict accordance to the label.

// If weeds are present, tank-mix Specticle FLO with selective, postemergence herbicides like Revolver ®, Celsius ® WG or Tribute Total // o control emerged weeds in plant beds, dormant turf, cart paths or parking lots, use in conjunction T with a non-selective herbicide. Poa annua. Goosegrass. Crabgrass. Key Strengths // oad-spectrum.

Specticle FLO Herbicide Specticle FLO is a new tool for pre-emergent weed control, providing broad spectrum control of grassy weeds including Poa annua, crabgrass, goosegrass and more than 60 broadleaf weeds. Innovative pre-emergent solution allows less application and greater weed control Broad spectrum control of key

Specticle is a selective, pre-emergent herbicide that provides residual control of certain grass weeds on established warm-season turf.Specticle controls weeds by reducing the emergence of seedlings through inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis (CB inhibitor).. Specticle needs to be activated prior to weed germination for most effective control. For maximum activity against germinating weeds.

Available Documents: SDS. SDS 2. Label. 18 Ounce 804919. 1 Gallon 804920. Find a ProCenter. (800) 888-4897. Specticle FLO is a new tool for pre-emergent weed control, providing broad spectrum control of grassy weeds including Poa annua, crabgrass, goosegrass and more than 60 broadleaf weeds.

SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLO in strict accordance to the label.

Specticle Flo Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 18 Oz - Gallon is a pre emergent for warm season grass that controls all major weeds with superior residual control of crabgrass, poa annua, annual sedge, and goosegrass. By buying this product & leave product review you can collect normally 177 reward points as a voucher of $17.70 (1%).

64673/107687 Specticle Herbicide registered label 2017.08.04 Page 5 root zone and cause significant damage and phytotoxicity. Prior to application of Specticle in coarse or sandy soils, confirm texture with a soil test. Turf grown in soil exceeding 80% sand or 20% gravel may be at risk..

Specitcle FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field-grown woody ornamentals. Specticle FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply Specticle FLO in strict accordance to the label.

SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLO in strict accordance to the label.

SPECTICLE FLO is a highly active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many field grown woody ornamentals. SPECTICLE FLO may damage sensitive plants, if the product is allowed to remain in contact with foliage. Carefully apply SPECTICLE FLO in strict accordance to the label.

Specticle flo is a new tool for pre emergent weed control. Specticle Flo Herbicide Lawn And Pest Control Supply Specticle g herbicide specticle flo and specticle 20 wsp are all different versions of the same active ingredient indaziflam and would be comparable. Specticle flo herbicide label. See product herbicide acclaim extra.

Trade name SPECTICLE® TOTAL Product code (UVP) 80197926 SDS Number 102000025082 EPA Registration No. 432-1532 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use Herbicide Restrictions on use See product label for restrictions. Information on supplier Supplier Bayer Environmental Science 2 T.W. Alexander Drive

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