35 dimension pre emergent label
Dimension 2EW Alone with Fluid Fertilizer as the Carrier Determine the compatibility of Dimension 2EW with the desirfi fertilizer by mixing small proportional quantities in advance. See the Physical Compatibility Test section of this label. Then follow the mixing procedure listed below for tank mixtures. Tank Mixtures
Dimension 270G Specialty Herbicide provides season-long control of crabgrass and control or suppression of other listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in estab-lished lawns and ornamental turfs, (including golf course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes). When used according to label directions, this product will not harm nearby
LABEL Dimension® 0.25G • For use on Turf, Landscape Ornamentals, and Nursery Ornamentals ® For season long control or suppression of listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in orna-mental landscape areas, established lawns and ornamental turf (including golf course fairways,

Dimension pre emergent label
Dimension 2EW Dithiopyr Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 1/2 Gal Quali-Pro Prodiamine, Pre-Emergent Herbicide, 5 lbs, Yellow Granules Scotts Halts Crabgrass & Grassy Weed Preventer - Crabgrass Preventer, Pre Emergent Weed Control for Lawns, Prevents Chickweed & More, Treats up to 10,000 sq. ft., 20.12 lb.
So, when you’re looking for a pre-emergent for your yard, you will want to check to the label to see if that product will deal with the weeds you have. One of the many pre-emergents on the market today is Dimension Pre-Emergent. This particular pre-emergent will fight against your common summertime weeds: crabgrass; goosegrass; foxtail
Pre-emergent herbicides, also known as crabgrass preventers, are effective at preventing undesirable weed from growing in your lawn. They don’t stop the weed seed from germinating but helps control it so that it does not sprout. They do so by inhibiting a key enzyme. A good example is Dimension pre-emergent.
Dimension pre emergent label.
74350 DIM270G (PMD/LABELS/GEN R 2-24-03) 50 LB. BAG (22.68 Kg.) Treats up to 21,780 Sq.Ft. for Crabgrass Control APPLICATION TIMING AND RECOMMENDA TIONS: DIMENSION® 270-G is a preemergence herbicide that will not control established weeds. Make applications prior to weed seed germination or to bare ground.
Description Dimension specialty herbicide is the only choice for pre-emergence and early post-emergence crabgrass control pre-emergence control of 47 other grassy and broadleaf weeds Tank-mix and apply with Defendor specialty herbicide to knock out crabgrass, plus winter annuals and perennials early in the season
Dimension ® specialty herbicide is the only preemergence herbicide that offers excellent early postemergence control of crabgrass. It also is proven effective for more than 45 other grassy and small-seeded broadleaf weeds. Long application window
Dimension Herbicide is a specialty selective pre-emergent herbicide formulation that provides powerful control of grasses and broadleaf weeds in turf, over the top of field and container-grown landscape and nursery ornamentals without harm. Dimension 2EW Herbicide is water-based and contains 2 lbs. of the active ingredient dithiopyr per gallon.
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