37 matlab plot axis label

question: A square metal plate is heated to 80ÂșC at the corner corresponding to x = y = 1. The temperature distribution in the plate is described by T = 80e\^(-(x-1)\^2)\*e\^(-3(y-1)\^2) Obtain the surface and contour plots for the temperature. Label each axis. What is the temperature at the corner corresponding to x = y =0? ​ update: need to write a script for matlab to create surface plots and contour plots for this given equation. I don't really know how to use matlab much but I was given a couple of base files. Here is what must be done: https://i.imgur.com/jrnl9pw.png I can adjust frequency and the sin function as you see in the first bit of code I was given to plot signals, but how do I plot a signal that is just "Y1 = 15". I am not sure how that even makes sense. Maybe an error? For a sinusoidal signal: f=15; %frequency of sine wave overSampRate=200; %oversampling rate fs=overSampRate*f; %sam...

Hello, I'm pretty new to Julia and I've found the package ControlSystems can replace some of the features offered in Matlab, such as Bode plots and whatnot. However, I'm trying to have the y-axis in increments of 20 dB, but passing yticks = 0:-20:-200 to bodeplot() gives me no y-labeling at all. Anyone know how to fix this or if it's the wrong way to give me a prober dB y-axis?

Matlab plot axis label

Matlab plot axis label

You see, every event brings a lot of salt posts about how hard someone is struggling to get somebote. And there's a lot of % chance bragging around, based around seemingly invalid conceptions. Both overly positive and overly negative. For an additional e-peen or salt you can check how lucky or unlucky you are. Just so we have it all clear: Dropping a ship is pretty much equivalent to a Bernoulli trial. You perform a given amount of tests with equal result probability, where the resu... Hi everyone, I'm trying to plot 100 graphs with no more of 4 ticks in the y axis. The easiest way to do this is with: yticks(ymin:step:ymax); The problem is that each graph has differents y values and with this line I end up with very long y labels. Is there a way to keep the auto matlab mode (which found the "roundest" nice values in the axis) and just decrease the number of ticks? Thank you! I'm trying to arrange a feature matrix of size (1425 x 15) where each column represents the natural frequency of each sensor and each row represents a single data file. However, I keep on getting the same values in each column and the next value is printed to the next row. How would I be able to rearrange the feature matrix? I tried to form a code which can be found below, but, I don't know what my mistake in the code. I formed different codes but the results were still the same. Please find bel...

Matlab plot axis label. Apr 21, 2015 · I've an FFT plot with negative and positive frequencies on X axis. I have a peak at Synchronous Frequency say 1X (1 times of fundamental frequency) and another peak sub synchronous frequency 0.30X (0.30 times of fundamental frequency). Now I want both the scaling to be labeled on the axis. I used the following code. Labels and Annotations. Add a title, label the axes, or add annotations to a graph to help convey important information. You can create a legend to label plotted data series or add descriptive text next to data points. Also, you can create annotations such as rectangles, ellipses, arrows, vertical lines, or horizontal lines that highlight specific areas of data. Hi I'm trying to solve the following question: Download the ECG signal load it into matlab. (**its a 4170 x1 double**) The signal has been sampled with a frequency of 500 Hz and have units of volts in this data file, after having been amplified by 500by the ECG amplifier.-Plot the signal measured at the leads with mV on the y-axis and time in seconds starting from 0s on the x-axis. Include an additional plot in your report that zoomsin on justone period of the sig... Hi, I'm trying to use App Builder to create a user interface which records audio and video from a webcam. The user must be able to start and stop the recording by pressing the appropriate buttons. The user can record for up to three minutes. So far I can record x ammount of snapshot frames from the video and sew them up into a video user WriteVideo, but I can't stop this loop - it continues until the end of the 5400 possible frames. The sewn video is also very fast. I currently can't record a...

Plot data into each axes, and create an y-axis label for the top plot. tiledlayout(2,1) ax1 = nexttile; plot((1:10).^2) ylabel(ax1, 'Population' ) ax2 = nexttile; plot((1:10).^3) Label y-Axis and Return Object Handle I'm trying to arrange a feature matrix of size (1425 x 15) where each column represents the natural frequency of each sensor and each row represents a single data file. However, I keep on getting the same values in each column and the next value is printed to the next row. How would I be able to rearrange the feature matrix? I tried to form a code which can be found below, but, I don't know what my mistake in the code. I formed different codes but the results were still the same. Please find be... Create an M-file and write a script for the following: 1. (a) Generate a 50-by-1 column vector, a, consisting of 50 random numbers between 0 and 1 using the \rand" function provided by MATLAB. (b) Determine f1 = 20 log10(a2 + π) and f2 = 30 log10(a3 + π) (c) Plot the data on a graph of f versus a using red circle markers for f1 and blue square markers for f2 (no lines). Limit the x-axis between 0 and 1, and the y-axis between 8 and 20. Label the graph appropriately. 2. Create an M-file and wri... I have a 1d signal of many samples (millions). I also have it's wavelet transform coefficients (in float64) and frequencies stored in arrays. I am trying to make a high resolution plot of both the signal level vs time and also of the scallogram. The default parameters for size etc are too small for effective visualization. I am exporting it to both png and pdf using savefig object. I would like to make it higher resolution (1920*1080 or equivalent sizes depending upon aspect ratio). I am unable...

The function z = xy, when x>0, y>0 ,and x + y <= 1 and this is what I tried x=[0:0.25:1]; y = zeros(size(x)); i = 1; while x(i)<1 y(i) = 1-x(i); i = i+1; end [X, Y]=meshgrid(x,y); X Y Z=X.*Y; for j = 1:size(x) for k = 1:size(x) if (X(j, k) + Y(j, k)) > 1 Z(k) = 0; end end end Z xlabel('x', 'FontSize', 14, 'Fontweight','bold') ylabel('y', 'FontSize'... Hi! ​ I posted last week about my code problem with plotting in 3D. But, when I increased the number of points to be more precise in my "scan", I'm facing a new problem. \-The time taken by the code- To give an example, with my amount of data, and the speed by iteration, I need **27 minutes** to complete my scan. Far tooooo long, I mean I can't bear to wait 27min to do only one scan. So here's my code : clear; clc; if ~isempty(instrfind) fcl... Hi! ​ I'm currently trying to average cells that are in an array. I will put my code and describe what I tried just after : clear; clc; if ~isempty(instrfind) fclose(instrfind); delete(instrfind); end plotTitle = 'Serial Data Log'; % plot title xLabel = 'position X'; % x-axis label yLabel = 'position Y'; % y-axis label zLabel = 'intensity'; plotGrid = 'on'; %%Just to give time to Matlab to plot ser... Hello friends. So I'm trying to plot Accelerometer and Gyroscope data on one plot, with two yaxis. I got the plotting to work, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to fix the right-side y-axis. I know there's a 'yaxis left' and 'yaxis right' command that works for newer version of Matlab, but it gives errors when I try it on my 2014b version. Can anyone help me out? This is what my code looks like inside the function: dataFile = dlmread(filename, ',', 2, 0); time = dataFile...

I'm super new to matlab, help a homie out to finish their homework :,) 1. Two six-sided dice are rolled and the two numbers showing are added to produce a sum between 2 and 12. 1. Create a plot showing each event on the X axis and P(X), the probability of each event, on the Y axis. Include axis labels. 2. Does this distribution look more like a normal distribution or a uniform distribution? Why? 3. What is P(X = 8 or 9)? 1. For this problem, we will consider two normal (Gaussian)...

So the standard plot is straightforward, but where I start to get confused is when you start trying to use 'get' and 'set' with respect to plots (so you can change line weight, tick marks, etc.). People use it all the time, but I end up just googling exactly what I want to do and copy-paste that line of code in. Does anyone have a good data sheet where I can actually start to learn how it works?

[https://imgur.com/a/VeJY00I](https://imgur.com/a/VeJY00I) By default tick labels on log scale axis seem to be very bad in matplotlib compared to MATLAB so I want so set tick positions manually. For some reason not all labels are showing up not matter how I set and space them. When using 'linear' scale everything works perfecly but I really need log scale. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.arange(0, 10) y = np.random.rand(10) * 6 + 3 fig,...

​ ​ can some one finish this code please in matlab and explain by comments as to how it works. MATLAB Assignment Instructions: This assignment has one problem, summarized below. You will use MATLAB as a tool to develop your solution to the problem for the given test cases, ensuring that your code is flexible for any additional test cases that might be used to evaluate it. All outputs to the command window should be formatted, and intermediate calculations should be sup...

%% Prelim clear clc %% Student Number Input n=num2str(171211); %Student Number to be plotted grd=10; %No. of Cells a=str2double(n(1)); %Angle of Attack [Deg] b=str2double(n(2)); %Chord Length [m] c=str2double(n(3)); %NACA Digit 1 d=str2double(n(4)); %NACA Digit 2 e=str2double(n(5)); %NACA Digit 3 f=str2double(n(6)); %NACA Digit 4 %% Change zeroes to sevens if a==0 a=7; end if b==0 b=7;...

Hello all! After several posts here recently about plotting in Python, I thought I would plug a book that I recently wrote about Python and data visualization: [How to (Not) Lie with Data: Creating Effective Data Visualizations with Python](https://www.alexkenan.com/pyviz/). The website has a sample of a chapter to get a sense of the style. Generally, I wanted to create a resource that showed how to use Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly for making visualizations, and I also wanted to create a res...

I'm trying to arrange a feature matrix of size (1425 x 15) where each column represents the natural frequency of each sensor and each row represents a single data file. However, I keep on getting the same values in each column and the next value is printed to the next row. How would I be able to rearrange the feature matrix? I tried to form a code which can be found below, but, I don't know what my mistake in the code. I formed different codes but the results were still the same. Please find bel...

Label the axes of a plot. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax1.set_ylabel('volts') ax1.set_title('a sine wave') t = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.01) s = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t) line, = ax1.plot(t, s, lw=2) # Fixing random state for reproducibility np.random.seed(19680801) ax2 = fig.add_axes( [0.15, 0.1, 0.7, 0.3]) n, bins, patches = ax2.hist(np.random.randn(1000), 50) ax2.set_xlabel('time (s)') plt.show()

Include a variable value in the title text by using the num2str function to convert the value to text. You can use a similar approach to add variable values to axis labels or legend entries. Add a title with the value of . k = sin (pi/2); title ( [ 'sin (\pi/2) = ' num2str (k)])

I'm trying to arrange a feature matrix of size (1425 x 15) where each column represents the natural frequency of each sensor and each row represents a single data file. However, I keep on getting the same values in each column and the next value is printed to the next row. How would I be able to rearrange the feature matrix? I tried to form a code which can be found below, but, I don't know what my mistake in the code. I formed different codes but the results were still the same. Please find bel...

Hi everyone, I'm trying to plot 100 graphs with no more of 4 ticks in the y axis. The easiest way to do this is with: yticks(ymin:step:ymax); The problem is that each graph has differents y values and with this line I end up with very long y labels. Is there a way to keep the auto matlab mode (which found the "roundest" nice values in the axis) and just decrease the number of ticks? Thank you!

You see, every event brings a lot of salt posts about how hard someone is struggling to get somebote. And there's a lot of % chance bragging around, based around seemingly invalid conceptions. Both overly positive and overly negative. For an additional e-peen or salt you can check how lucky or unlucky you are. Just so we have it all clear: Dropping a ship is pretty much equivalent to a Bernoulli trial. You perform a given amount of tests with equal result probability, where the resu...

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