39 captan 80 wdg label

Zaštitite trešnje i višnje maraske od kozičavosti ... - Agroklub Za Ditianon (Delan 700 WDG), 0,7 kg/ha, dozvola vrijedi samo na trešnji. U voćnjacima gdje je zabilježena bolest sušenje i uvijanje lista (Apyognomonia erythrostoma) u prethodnim godinama, ističe da, od navedenih fungicida, djelotvornost na ovu bolest ima samo fungicid na osnovu djelatne tvari dodine (Chromodin, Syllit) i ditoanon (Delan). Captan Registration Review | UGA PEACH BLOG Captan Registration Review. Captan is under review by the EPA. The review document is below, and a synopsis of information for peach is given below by Dr. Julius E. Fajardo. EPA is proposing several mitigations for the continued use of Captan. Any responses are currently due by 27 June, but you can request an extension (see below).

What Do I Spray On Peach Trees? - The Orchard Stephenville Macho (insecticide) 800 Plus (pH buffer) Captan: 2.5-4 quart per acre. Macho 3.5 ounces per acre. These can be tank mixed and sprayed at the same time as needed. Macho : control stink bugs. Captan: Fungal growth on fruit. Macho: Spray if there is evidence of stink bugs. Spray as often as 2 week intervals.

Captan 80 wdg label

Captan 80 wdg label

Captan 80 WDG, 15 g, fungicid Arysta Lifescience - botanistii.ro Fungicid Captan 80 WDG. Substanta activa: captan 80% Caracteristici: Captan 80 WDG este un fungicid de contact cu actiune preventiva si protectiva impotriva unui spectru larg de ciuperci fitopatogene, cu aplicare in perioada de vegetatie. Mod de actiune: Acest fungicid actioneaza prin blocarea proceselor de respiratie si diviziune celulara ale agentilor patogeni. in functie de conditiile ... Calendar stropiri pomi fructiferi. Cum sa faci tratamentele in mod ... fungicide - Delan 700 WDG, Folpan 80 WDG, Captan 80 WDG, Merphan 80 WDG; Fruct 20-25 mm: insecticide - Vertimex 1.8 EC, Movento 100 SC; fungicide - Mavita; Fruct 30-35 mm: insecticide - Insegar 25WG, Novadim Progress, Vantex 60 CS; fungicide - Sercadis; Intrarea in parga: Prognostična Obvestila Za varstvo pred jablanovim škrlupom lahko ponovno uporabite enega od kontaktnih pripravkov, ki smo jih navedli v prejšnjih obvestilih (Delan Pro, Delan 700 WG, Alcoban, Polyram DF, Syllit 400 SC), na voljo pa so tudi pripravki na osnovi aktivne snovi kaptan kot so Captan 80 WG, Merpan 80 WDG, Orthocide 80 WG, Merplus ali Scab 80 WG oz. 480 SC.

Captan 80 wdg label. Excretion time courses of lambda-cyhalothrin metabolites in the urine ... The eligibility criteria required that: i) the applicator planned to apply formulations containing LCT active ingredient (Matador®, Silencer®, Demand CS®, Warrior®) alone or in combination with captan fungicide (Captan®, Supra Captan 80 WDG®, Captan 80-WP®, Maestro®) during the summer as part of normal operations, and ii) he was willing ... Supra® Captan 80 Wdg SUPRA® CAPTAN 80 WDG is a water dispersible granular fungicide for control of a wide range of diseases in fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, golf courses and sod farms. SUPRA CAPTAN 80 WDG is a contact and protective fungicide formulated for dust-free application. Product Benefits: Captan 80 WDG, 5 kg, fungicid Arysta Lifescience - botanistii.ro Fungicid Captan 80 WDG. Substanta activa: captan 80% Caracteristici: Captan 80 WDG este un fungicid de contact cu actiune preventiva si protectiva impotriva unui spectru larg de ciuperci fitopatogene, cu aplicare in perioada de vegetatie. Mod de actiune: Acest fungicid actioneaza prin blocarea proceselor de respiratie si diviziune celulara ale agentilor patogeni. in functie de conditiile ... Captan Gold® 80WDG | ADAMA Multi-site contact activity attacks fungal protein-containing thiols (-SH groups), interfering with several chemical processes, metabolism and cell division, and ultimately preventing spores from germinating. Used effectively for more than 50 years without a documented case of resistance. Premiere 80 WDG formulation has less dust and easy-open ...

1. As Predicted Previously Weather in the Past 15 Days Favors Apple ... Aprovia (30 PHI) + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) Flint Extra 2.9 fl oz or Pristine 14.5 oz or Luna Sensation 5.8 fl oz + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) Omega 500 (28 PHI) + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) Flint Extra 2.9 fl oz or Pristine 14.5 oz or Luna Sensation 5.8 fl oz + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) FOLPAN 80 WDG - naturaverde.site There are no more items in your cart; Shipping; Total €0.00; Check Out Search Search Fungal Pathogens of American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius Please note that this is an incomplete list, product labels may change from year to year, and availability of products change yearly. We do not recommend one product over the other. ... Captan: Captan 80 WDG Captan Gold® 80WDG Captan 50 Wettable Powder Captan 50W: x: x: x: x: x: Group M05 - Multi-Site Activity Chloronitriles. Active ... 1. Apple Bitter Rot Pressure Builds Up Late May to Early June in ... 6C: Flint Extra 2.9 oz + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) 7C: Omega 500 (28 PHI) + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) 8C: Pristine 14.5 oz or Luna Sensation 5.8 fl oz + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) 9C: Omega 500 (28 PHI) + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) 10C: Captan 80 WDG 3 lb (or Ziram 6 lb) 11C: Merivon 5.5. fl oz + Captan 80 WDG 3 lb

Labels for CAPTAN 80 WDG (34704-1075) | US EPA EPA Reg. No. Product Name Accepted Date; 34704-1075: CAPTAN 80 WDG: June 21, 2019 (PDF) 34704-1075: CAPTAN 80 WDG: August 18, 2015 (PDF) 34704-1075: CAPTAN 80 WDG Merpan® 80 WDG | ADAMA South Africa Merpan® 80 WDG. A water dispersible granular fungicide for the control of diseases in crops as listed. Last updated: Friday, 25/03/2022 - 11:23 ... compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the weeds against the remedy as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. ... In hohem Grade - wirkungsvolles Fungizid-Captan 50%Wp 80%Wdg 40%Sc In hohem Grade - wirkungsvolles Fungizid-Captan 50%Wp 80%Wdg 40%Sc. 2021-07-17. Produktbeschreibung. Captan stellt gleich bleibende Steuerung der zerstö Rendsten Krankheiten zur Verfü Gung, die Apfel, Mandel, Steinfrucht und Beere in Angriff nehmen. ... Federal Register :: Cancellation Order for Certain Pesticide ... Drexel Captan 80 WDG: Captan: Home and Garden Sublabel. 47371-146: 47371: HS-420 (10%) Water Treatment Microbicide: ... Persons other than the registrant may sell, distribute, or use existing stocks of canceled products and products whose labels include the terminated uses until supplies are exhausted, provided that such sale, distribution, or ...

Prognostična Obvestila Prednost dajte pripravkom z aktivno snovjo kaptan ( Captan 80 WG, Merpan 80 WDG, Orthocide 80 WG, Merplus, Scab 80 WG oz. 480 SC). Dovoljena so tudi sredstva na osnovi metirama ( Polyram DF ), ditianona ( Delan Pro, Alcoban) ali dodina (Syllit 400 SC). V primeru, da škropljenja ne boste uspeli opraviti pravočasno in bo ob izpolnjenih pogojih ...

Obavijest voćarima - Uprava za stručnu podršku razvoju poljoprivrede Obavijest voćarima. Pljuskovi lokalnog karaktera pogoduju infekcijama jabuka uzročnikom krastavosti plodova ( Venturia inaequalis ). Prije kiše koja je najavljena za vikend potrebno je provesti zaštitu nasada. Potrebno je koristiti jedan od pripravaka preventivnog djelovanja, kao što su Polyram DF, Captan 80 WG, Captan WP 50, Merpan 80 WDG ...

Obavijest voćarima - Uprava za stručnu podršku razvoju poljoprivrede Obavijest voćarima. 21. lipnja 2022. 0. U nasadima jabuka i krušaka potrebno je nastaviti provoditi zaštitu protiv čađave krastavosti lista (Venturia inaequalis) jednim od kontaktnih pripravaka: Captan 80 WDG, Kastor, Scab 80 WDG, Capetan 80 WDG Polyram i dr. U nasadima jabuka za zaštitu od pepelnice (Podosphera leucotricha) koristiti ...

Sulphur 80 % wdg - SULVET - Katyayani Organics Mode of Action: Sulphur 80% WDG is broad-spectrum contact and protective fungicide & miticide. It also provides. Sulphur is essential plant nutrient.Insect/Disease Spectrum powdery mildew, scab, leaf spots and all types of mites.Crop Spectrum Grapes, Mango, Pea, Cowpea, Apple, Cumin etc. Benefits: Sulphur 80% WDG is a dust free, flowable micronised sulphur granules, ease of […]

Pesticide Product Information - Health Canada SUPRA CAPTAN 80 WDG: Province : CANADA: Incident Report : Incident Report: Incident Report NO. ... Decis, Sluggo, Ridomil Gold 1G Fungicide, Quadris, Scholar 50WP Fungicide, Aliette WDG Systemic Fungicide, Dithane Rainshield Fungicide, Rovral, Bravo 500 Agricultural Fungicide, Captan ... CAPTAN TECHNICAL FUNGICIDE, CAPTAN TECHNICAL 1, CAPTAN ...

Pflanzenschutzmittel mit dem Wirkstoff Captan - raiffeisen.com Produkt Firma Wirkstoff(e) Zulassungsende; CAPTION 80 WG : Plantan, Sharda Cropchem Espana S.L. Captan: 31.07.2023: Consist Plus : Bayer CropScience: Captan ...

Pesticide Labels | US EPA Pesticide labels translate results of our extensive evaluations of pesticide products into conditions, directions and precautions that define parameters for use of a pesticide with the goal of ensuring protection of human health and the environment.

captan fungicide label captan fungicide label. January 31, 2022 - + 18moredog-friendly barsstratford haven, the jolly sailor, and more ...

Apple Pest Update: May 3, 2022 (with audio) - ONfruit Folpan 80 WDG. VG. 18-24. N. VG. G. ... While captan does not provide effective rust control, mancozeb does. If you know this disease can be a problem in your orchard or neighbourhood, be sure to keep mancozeb as the protectant tank mix particularly at petal fall. It's best to avoid the use of captan in general during this growth period ...

Agricultural Chemicals Fungicide Captan 80% Wdg 50% Wp China Agricultural Chemicals Fungicide Captan 80% Wdg 50% Wp, Find details about China Captan 50% Wp, 97%Tc Captan from Agricultural Chemicals Fungicide Captan 80% Wdg 50% Wp - Hebei Hontai Biotech Co., Ltd.

Export Data and Price of fungicide under HS Code 3808 to belgium | Zauba Date HS Code Description Destination Port of Loading Unit Quantity Value (INR) Per Unit (INR) Nov 22 2016: 38089290: FUNGICIDE CAPTAN TECHNICAL: Belgium: KLPPL PANKI: KGS

Hornet WDG Herbicide | Solutions Pest & Lawn Water Dispersible Granule (WDG) Mix Rate: Apply between 2.0 to 5.0 oz. of Hornet WDG Herbicide per 10 to 60 gallons of water per acre. Shelf Life: Hornet WDG Herbicide will last up to 3 years when stored in a secured dry location away from other pesticides and fertilizers. Do not store above 122 degrees Fahrenheit for extended periods of time ...

Prognostična Obvestila Za varstvo pred jablanovim škrlupom lahko ponovno uporabite enega od kontaktnih pripravkov, ki smo jih navedli v prejšnjih obvestilih (Delan Pro, Delan 700 WG, Alcoban, Polyram DF, Syllit 400 SC), na voljo pa so tudi pripravki na osnovi aktivne snovi kaptan kot so Captan 80 WG, Merpan 80 WDG, Orthocide 80 WG, Merplus ali Scab 80 WG oz. 480 SC.

Calendar stropiri pomi fructiferi. Cum sa faci tratamentele in mod ... fungicide - Delan 700 WDG, Folpan 80 WDG, Captan 80 WDG, Merphan 80 WDG; Fruct 20-25 mm: insecticide - Vertimex 1.8 EC, Movento 100 SC; fungicide - Mavita; Fruct 30-35 mm: insecticide - Insegar 25WG, Novadim Progress, Vantex 60 CS; fungicide - Sercadis; Intrarea in parga:

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