43 goal 2xl herbicide label

Goal 2XL Herbicide - Ranch Wholesale Quick overview Goal 2XL Herbicide provides long-lasting, pre- and postemergence activity on dozens of broadleaf weeds and grasses, making it ideal for residual herbicide programs. Active Ingredients: OIxyfluorfen 22.3% Herbicide Mode of Action: 14 EPA Signal Word: WARNING / AVISOApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal. Goal 2XL Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon [62719-424] - $182.95 Keystone Pest Solutions Goal 2XL Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon [62719-424] - Goal 2XL Herbicide (2.5 Gallon) Goal 2XL Herbicide is a selective herbicide used for pre and post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds. Features: Excellent pre and post-emergence control Residual and contact activity Up to 10 months of control in fruit/nut trees and grapes Other product suggestions: For total weed control ...

PDF Special Local Need (SLN) Label Goal 2XL Herbicide - Idaho Page 2 of 2 Directions for Use Goal® 2XL Herbicide may be applied for broadleaf weed (cheeseweed, filaree, groundsel, henbit and speedwell) control in red clover and white clover grown for seed.Goal ® 2XL Herbicide may be applied at 2 to 6 fl oz (0.03 to 0.09 lb a.i.) per acre.Use lower rate in the rate range to control labeled weeds when

Goal 2xl herbicide label

Goal 2xl herbicide label

PDF Goal 2XL - University of Hawaiʻi Goal® 2XL HERBICIDE USE DIRECTIONS FOR: ... (If you do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.) STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue PDF Effective Date: 10/22/03 GOAL* 2XL HERBICIDE Product Code: 88831 GOAL* 2XL HERBICIDE Emergency Phone: 800-992-5994 Dow AgroSciences LLC Indianapolis, IN 46268 Effective Date: 10/22/03 ... the product label for personal protective clothing and equipment. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: COLOR: Amber STATE: Liquid ODOR: Floral pH: 7.2 to 7.5 Goal, GoalTender (oxyfluorfen) | NC State Extension Publications Uses. Preemergence and postemergence control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in conifer seedbeds, transplants, and field- and container-grown nursery stock. Label recently expanded to include use as a directed spray in dormant deciduous shade trees. Also tank mixed with other herbicides for tall fescue sod suppression in orchards ...

Goal 2xl herbicide label. PDF Goal 2XL Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 2021-02-08 Supersedes ... - Nufarm Product Name: Goal® 2XL . PCP Registration No.: 24913 . Refer to the approved product label for handling and use instructions. Product Type: Herbicide. Supplier: Nufarm Agriculture Inc. 5101, 333 - 96th Ave NE . Calgary, Alberta T3K 0S3, Canada . 1-800-868-5444 . Telephone Numbers: 24 Hour Emergency Response Number, Chemtrec, 1-800-424-9300. Goal 2XL Herbicide, Corteva | Forestry Distributing North America's ... Label & SDS Goal 2XL Herbicide provides long-lasting, pre- and postemergence activity on dozens of broadleaf weeds and grasses, making it ideal for residual herbicide programs. Goal 2XL Herbicide continues to control weeds for up to 10 months following application. Goal 2XL Herbicide weeds controlled: • Common purslane Specimen Label - CDMS.net Goal® 2XL herbicide is a herbicide for postemergence and preemergence residual weed control in labeled crops. Directions provided in the General Use Information section of this label apply to all uses of this product. Use directions for listed crops are provided in the Crop-Specific Use Directions section of this label. Use Restrictions PDF GOAL 2XL Herbicide - UC Davis goal® 2xl herbicide 1. chemical product and company identi-fication goal® 2xl herbicide product code: 74743 key: 869072-1 msds date: 07/22/98 company identification rohm and haas company 100 independence mall west philadelphia, pa 19106-2399 emergency telephone numbers health emergency: 215-592-3000

Goal® 2XL - US - Crop - Nufarm Goal 2XL works by delivering both contact pre- and post-emergence control. It controls actively growing weeds and also forms a soil barrier to block the establishment of emerging weeds in tree nuts, cotton, grapes, tree fruits and many vegetables for an extended period of time. GOAL® 2XL AND GOALTENDER® HERBICIDES ARE NOW FROM NUFARM. Goal 2XL Selective Herbicide | Selective | PestWeb by Veseris Goal 2XL Selective Herbicide; Goal 2XL Selective Herbicide. SKU. 649007. Sold as: 2.5 GAL Jug UOM: JG . Please login to view pricing and to purchase this product. Skip to the end of the images gallery ... Read and follow the Product Label and Safety Data Sheet ("SDS") for your health. All information is based on data obtained from the ... Goal® 2XL Herbicide - Nufarm Take container, label or product name and Pest Control Product ... Herbicide label, the following weeds are controlled by Goal 2XL at 1 L/ha applied ... PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - domyown.com Product name: GOAL ™ 2XL Herbicide Issue Date: 05/12/2015 Print Date: 05/14/2015 DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS, ... Label elements Hazard pictograms. Product name: GOAL ™ 2XL Herbicide Issue Date: 05/12/2015 Page 2 of 18 Signal word: DANGER!

Goal 2XL Herbicide, DOW | Hart AglandAmerica's Ag Products Leader Quick overview Goal 2XL Herbicide provides long-lasting, pre- and postemergence activity on dozens of broadleaf weeds and grasses, making it ideal for residual herbicide programs. Active Ingredients: OIxyfluorfen 22.3% Herbicide Mode of Action: 14 EPA Signal Word: WARNING / AVISOApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 2.5 Gal. Goal 2XL Herbicide Label - Even Spray Goal 2XL Herbicide should be applied to the primocane row in a minimum of 500 litres of water per hectare. Restrict the spray application to the lower 15 cm of the fruiting canes to minimize crop injury from spray contact. Goal 2XL Herbicide must be applied using a low pressure mounted spray system (200 to 400 kPa). Goal 2XL - Dow AgroSciences herbicide For the control of labelled weeds plus field pansy and wood sorrell. Apply Goal 2XL Herbicide at a rate of 1.0 litre per hectare in 500 L of spray solution/ha. Apply as a single spray pre-mulching to dormant plants. Apply only one ground application per year. The preharvest interval is 150 days. DIRECTIONS FOR USE BROCCOLI/CABBAGE/CAULIFLOWER Nufarm Canada | Goal 2XL | Herbicide | Crop Protection General usage information. Heavy rainfall or heavy irrigation immediately following application to emerged weeds may reduce effectiveness. Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted. Rotate the use of Goal 2XL with other herbicide groups to help prevent resistance. For pre-emergent weed control, rain or ...

PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Keystone Pest Solutions Product name: GOAL ™ 2XL Herbicide Issue Date: 08/16/2016 Print Date: 08/16/2016 DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS, ... Label elements Hazard pictograms. Product name : GOAL ™ 2XL Herbicide Issue Date: 08/16/2016 Page 2 of 19 Signal word: DANGER!

PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.c. 20460 If you have any questions, please contact Emily Hartman of my staff at (703) 347-0189 or hartman.emily@epa.gov. Sincerely, Kathryn Montague, Product Manager23 Herbicide Branch Registration Division (7505P) Office of Pesticide Programs F2B / Goal 2XL/MSTR Amend 7 04-24-13 file: Goal 2XL-424 MSTR 24Apr13d.docx f- -Reft" EPA Reg. No. 62719-424

Home - Label Database - CDMS specimen label, rv030520 24 (c) registration, ar-020004 r843-090 for weed control in fallow beds to be planted to corn 24 (c) registration, id-210002 r843-125 broadleaf weed control in red clover and white clover grown for seed 24 (c) registration, or-200015 for control of broadleaf weeds in red clover and white clover grown for seed (or) 24 (c) …

PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, GOAL 2XL HERBICIDE, 11/25/2002 • Read the label affixed to the container for Goal' 2XL herbicide before applying. Follow all other applicable directions, restrictions, and precautions on the EPA-registered label. • Use of Goal 2XL according to this supplemental labeling is subject to all use precautions and limitations imposed by the label affixed to the container.

Specimen Label - EzBuyTurf.com Goal® 2XL herbicide may be applied for preemergence and postemergence weed control in labeled crops as indicted in this label. All use directions as provided in ...

Goal 2XL Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons - Seed Ranch Goal 2XL herbicide provides long-lasting, pre- and postemergence activity on dozens of broadleaf weeds and grasses, making it ideal for residual herbicide programs. It provides burndown of existing broadleaf weeds and some grasses at all use rates, and is an excellent tank-mix partner. Rate of use: 0.5-8.0 pints/acre (0.2-3.0 fl. oz./1000 sq ...

Goal 2XL Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com Goal 2XL Herbicide is formulated to provide excellent pre-emergence and post-emergence residual action on multiple broadleaf weeds and grasses, making it the ideal choice for such programs. This herbicide distinctively provides burndown on a broad spectrum of weeds and broadleaf grasses at all use rates.

PDF D06-843-048 Goal 2XL 24c WA-020027 Perennial Grasses Grown. Goal* 2XL herbicide is recommended for late preemergence through early postemergence control/suppression of annual broadleaf weeds, annual grasses, and the seedling stage of perennial ... Expiration date: This label for Goal 2XL expires and must not be distributed or used in accordance with this SLN registration after December 31, 2007. 24(c ...

PDF Goal 2XL - UC Davis GOAL 2XL herbicide is recommended as a post-directed application at 4 to 8 pints (1.0 to 2.0 lbs. active) per acre. Optimum control is achieved when two applications of GOAL 2XL herbicide are applied at 4 pints (1.0 lb. active) per acre. The initial application should be made to susceptible weed seedlings (up to 8-leaf stage).

PDF Goal Herbicide label - Commercial Property Maintenance Network Goal Herbicide will not provide consistent control of chickweed. 2. Goal Herbicide applied to weed-free soil or weeds at seedling stage. (continued from previous page) Refer to Weeds Controlled list (except chickweed) Pre-plant incorporated into weed free soil worked to a fine tilth 4 or 6 L/ha - more than 4 leaf stage Blackberry nightshade ...

Labels for GOAL 2XL HERBICIDE (62719-424) | US EPA Labels for GOAL 2XL HERBICIDE (62719-424) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest Version: 2.4.2

PDF Supplemental Labeling - Colorado State University Tank mixtures of Goal 2XL with other registered herbicides may result in enhanced crop injury. If a tank mixture is to be applied, applications should be made only to healthy, vigorous stands of perennial grasses. The decision to apply a tank mixture containing Goal herbicide is at the sole discretion of the grower and at the grower's risk.

Goal, GoalTender (oxyfluorfen) | NC State Extension Publications Uses. Preemergence and postemergence control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in conifer seedbeds, transplants, and field- and container-grown nursery stock. Label recently expanded to include use as a directed spray in dormant deciduous shade trees. Also tank mixed with other herbicides for tall fescue sod suppression in orchards ...

PDF Effective Date: 10/22/03 GOAL* 2XL HERBICIDE Product Code: 88831 GOAL* 2XL HERBICIDE Emergency Phone: 800-992-5994 Dow AgroSciences LLC Indianapolis, IN 46268 Effective Date: 10/22/03 ... the product label for personal protective clothing and equipment. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: COLOR: Amber STATE: Liquid ODOR: Floral pH: 7.2 to 7.5

PDF Goal 2XL - University of Hawaiʻi Goal® 2XL HERBICIDE USE DIRECTIONS FOR: ... (If you do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.) STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue

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